I'm interested in

It's supposed to be VERY excited for "nappy-headed hos" like myself..Thanks, Asshole, I mean,
Imus. I WANT this thing, its a ROOT straightener ($180). In which, I'm the type of girl who is TERRIFIED of irons as much as I LIVE on them; I'm terrified of being burned. I never do my roots well, and its OBVIOUS because I'm afraid of getting burned. This shit looks very G. I'm sure
CHIC NOIR would LOVE this, cause she loves glam...
I'm interested in
these new items to go with the Root Control iron, since I'm in a weave 342 days out of the 365 days a year:

These are from SoftSheen Carson-they have a new weave care line which I think is VERY exciting. Its about TIME someone released a weave care line. There are various products that I've tried that are for human hair, not human yaky hair etc. It winds up destroying your weave after you pay all this money for it. Not hot.
You can however throw these items in a birthday gift bag :) ...just a thought...
I'm also speculating maybe wearing my hair like this for my birthday party:
Which in order to achieve this, will need this ($48.95):

Ugh, what am I getting for my birthday?
i dont like the pic of the crimped chick, it's too stephanie tanner circa 1983, i really think the curls you have now would be g for duece duece
I have witnesses who will tell you that my hair is a horror. MY hair has broken brushes...my hair has broken those combs that say unbreakable on them. So like my mother says, "If it'll work on my baby's hair it'll work for anyone." I think my sister and I will give it a test.
LMAOZ @ Stephanie Tanner...I think you should vamp it up more for your bday babez
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