SH: To most women it’s crazy. But every relationship is unique, and in order to make it work you have to be willing to listen—not only to your partner, but to the relationship itself. You have to be brave enough to say, “This is who we are: We might not look like the perfect couple, or like our parents did, but this is our love story.”
Eve Ensler (Glamour): Do you wish you could be together more often? (Speaking of her fiance, Francois who mainly resides overseas while Salma lives in Los Angeles)
SH: Wishing is a good thing. But wishing you could be together more is so much better than wishing you could get the hell away from someone. [Laughs.] François is very generous in his respect for me: He not only gets out of my way, but he’s completely supportive. He pushes me in the right direction. He challenges me with a sense of humor. I feel lucky to have found a man who is so smart and successful in his own right, so there is no competition between us. He understands I was happy and had a great life before I met him.
After a conversation with The Significant, we're not moving as fast as I would prefer, but I've been ensured there is a PLAN and things ARE moving.Thats just what I needed to know.
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