Monday, February 2, 2009

Tyra Mail! 6 Signs of a PINK Slip

" Six signs that you might get a pink slip.

fired2.jpgMany of us have been there, you're doing your job, thinking everything is just peachy and bam -- you're fired. Sometimes you're shocked, sometimes you can sense it -- like a bad break-up. But panicking all the livelong day at work will not do you any good. Read on for a few telltale signs that you might want to slip that awesome stapler in your fierce handbag and start perusing online job listings.

1) If your company is floundering: No matter how high up you are, you might be at risk.

2) Your boss pulls you into a rarely used office or conference room: You can start to prepare for the worst.

3) The person you report to has been laid off: If higher-ups haven't said anything to you about a promotion, you're probably the next to go.

4) You haven't been assigned new projects: If you're not being asked to undertake anything new, there's probably nothing new in your future.

5) You've been asked to copy your boss on everything: If you're asked to CC your boss on all emails, chances are, your employers are trying to establish what exactly it is that you do.

6) You're yesterday's news: You've got a brand, spanking new boss. While this isn't always a recipe for a pink slip, there is a chance that with a new boss comes a new staff. You know, out with the old and in with the new -- so unfair!"


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