I came across two articles that maybe, everyone should take a look at...
13 Steps to be Productive
Most of us assume it is because of intelligence, wealth, family, friends, luck, or education. Those are not correct.
The key of productivity is about having goals, making plans, and having diligence. And the only way to achieve any of these productivity methods is by having effective habits.
So, here are a few tips on how to be more productive.
- GOALS: Have goals in life. Always strive to accomplish something.
- ORGANIZE: Create a plan for each goal. Itemize each plan with a list of tasks.
- PRIORITIZE: Determine the importance of each goal and each task, include when each task needs to be completed and in what order. Also consider which tasks are not really important and can be removed.
- SCHEDULE: For each plan, create a schedule with when each task should start and finish. This means doing the first task first, the second task second, etc. Managing time is extremely critical, since it is the biggest productivity obstacle.
- BE FLEXIBLE: Be prepared to re-prioritize and re-schedule each task on a moment’s notice. A previously less important task can suddenly become more important. Know when to stop working on a task, even though the task may not be finished. Don’t get upset or mull changes for too long. Being flexible is personally very hard for me.
- BE PROACTIVE: Take responsibility and seize control of each task. Actively start working on each task according to the schedule. Proactively seek out solutions to problems. Being reactive slows down productivity, so find and resolve issues before they are major problems.
- ASSISTANCE: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Delegate when possible.
- GOAL ORIENTED: Begin, throughout, and end each task with the goal in mind. Be open to discoveries during a task that may affect other tasks, the entire plan, or a goal. See Tip #5.
- COMMITMENTS: Make and keep commitments, especially to ourselves.
Ireally do not expect anyone to follow all thirteen of these suggestions, but just adding a few of these tips will increase anyone’s effectiveness and productivity. And once these tips become habits, building productivity momentum will become second nature. Good luck!
by Phil B.
{source, bitches}
and here's another
Get your productivity game up....