Sunday, November 2, 2008

Arrest Me, Please...

I definitely made up for some things Halloween '08...

The night of Halloween itself was hysterical with that being the quote I heard all night..long...
"Arrest me, please.."
"I'll leave with you to the precinct RIGHT now"

So many...immigrants, begged me for photos I was beginning to become confused as to WHO I am...
With the song, "Mrs. Officer" by Lil Wayne, this was by far the year to be a cop..
I LOVED everyone who sung to me..

We incurred some drama with Webster Hall however...
Being that they're completely unfocused, they well over booked and were well over capacity when we got there at 1AM. The party wasn't supposed to shut down until 5...
Our "friend" refused to exit, but it's all good she proved a lot that I already knew about her in that same night. She never fails to disappoint me, and somehow she always finds a way to outdo herself from her last failure.

Upset with the "friend" , we had to make up for it last night and it was a REALLY GOOD night to say the least. I debuted a new corset I purchased back in August..

(more on The New Jack Photos page)

It served its purpose, as I in an economic crisis drank for free all night. Last night was the right time for that debut! LOL! It was such a wild, confused crew last night...
The Long Island usuals, the crack-head usuals, and my Brooklyn unusuals...however, I was very pleased that we all blended together really nicely last night. So now, I spend my Sunday in recovery...

I definitely "beat it like a cop" all weekend long...

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