Friday, August 15, 2008

For Love of the Game

Marleaux over at Lolo's Cube definitely put the kid on to this one....

Now, I've been very aware of these YSL shoes, for a minute now. After all, Megan Good as only been wearing them...well, everywhere but to Pathmark. Anyhow, I will bow to Lolo's Cube for revealing that the SUPER knockoff is sold courtesy of Bakers Shoes.

I just wasn't prepared for them to look as GOOD as they came out. I'm very picky about knockoff shoes because they happen to look in most cases...well, like a total knockoff...
Shoes just got me to thinking...

Women will do anything for shoes. Spend any amount. Skip a bill payment. Work overtime. Beg a loved one. Steal, lie and cry for a pair of shoes. That's what they tell you though. If you love something, you go to any lengths to have it. Athletes for the love strict love of the game train hours on end in efforts to acquire muscle mass and stamina to play THE game. In feeling like the mojo has returned, I decided (maybe seeming like a good thing NOW...) that I'm going to start taping myself.....
.....and posting it.....(not on some Paris Hilton mess)

I'm not sure WHO (if anyone at all) will enjoy it...because my speaking voice and choice of diction is not EXACTLY how my writing diction is. Then again, when I started this blog I wasn't sure that anyone would read this shit twice....that was disproven quite quickly...

When I write, I hear my actual voice speaking what I'm writing..and I type it at 200 mph. When speaking, a totally different thing comes forth. TOTALLY....
I guess for the love of the game, if I could write and talk to a camera everyday, I'd probably be insanely happy. So even though my writing voice and speaking voice do not totally match, I guess I'll actually SEE how it works out. It might just bring a little more life to a life blogger's words...
The current LOVE of my life is on BACKORDER and nearly induced a heart failure upon seeing that word...I'm not sure WHAT is taking so long to restock..but here's to recovering from cardiac arrest...and the love of the game...

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