Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hormones, Blood Sugar and MRI's, Oh My!

Blood Sugar.....
Oh my! Or more like, oh shit...

I went to the doctor this evening, leaving a little after 6:30 pm only to hear a list of things. Here they are paraphrased:

You've lost 4 pounds
You need to now see an Endocrinologist
You're hypoglycemia is now labeled "severe"
You will be taking an MRI
You have a hormonal imbalance along side your hypoglycemia
I'm not sure exactly how to help you right now
I have no current solution to your mood swings or weight gain, but we know its stemming from both the hypoglycemia and hormonal imbalance.

So in wrap up...
Two vials of blood were taken from me
I need an MRI
I was pricked with a PUSHPIN for my blood sugar test (which I'm STILL angry about how much it hurt)
I'll be paying my first visit to an Endocrinologist

Like I said:
Blood Sugar.....
Oh my!

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