Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Rest Your Soul, Music Saves Your LIFE

I've been stalking this song for A WHILE..and I've FINALLY found it...

This commercial has been airing on the FUSE network, with this song in the background.

I'm also featuring it on my myspace page. His name is Ian Love, and I'm absolutely falling in L.O.VE. with him. At this exact moment, I'm sitting comfortably with grey sweats on, and a margarita glass full of Pineapple Parrot's Bay rum and Coke zero (you know, keeping that Jesikah Fitness going...) with this song on repeat. I absolutely love it.
In older Jason Mraz stature, geeky glasses, guitar and all Ian Love definitely looks like how Jason Mraz will look and act when Jason is in his late fourties.

No offense to Ian if he's not that old....

What I enjoy even more about Ian, not to sound unintelligent, I'm shocked to see that he's a Brooklynite himself. Love resides and records in Brooklyn.
...Interesante, I would have never guessed...
Be nice, friend Ian on myspace here

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