Friday, September 26, 2008

Make It Rain On Them Hoes

Apparently during an economic crisis, that's still what a couple of people insist on doing. After dinner with my co-workers last night, I sit comfortably to catch the last 20 minutes of a brand new episode of Smallville as well as a two-hour season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. Both shows end, and after a rough day at work I get ready to curl up and turn in kind of early. I'm stopped however by the news that JP Morgan Chase has just bought my bank, Washington Mutual.

My mother is an employee of JP Morgan Chase, so she always keeps me informed about what exactly is going on with them. They've apparently been planning to make it rain and take Wamu for awhile...

I on the otherhand, have been making it rain on my creditors. In efforts to get ball rolling I'm in a hefty sum of an agreement that begins with its first withdrawls today. The way its set up its set up is so that half of my creditors are receiving their monies now. Others will begin receiving theirs early 2009 as these current creditors will be paid off already. I'm a salaried employee, so I get paid twice per month.
..Now I can technically look forward to only getting it once a month...
Also known as, no more purchasing rabbit fur coats to make me feel better...and hopefully I can still afford some Pineapple Parrots Bay.

It's a cold September day in New York. Its schedule to rain from today, Friday straight past Sunday and end early on Monday. With such severe economic crisis, maybe Jesus isn't in a good mood either.....

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