Monday, January 14, 2008

Not Wanted 2

Maybe, a sign I shouldn't have responded to their confirmations:

General Daily Insight

Today's impulsive Aries Moon sets the stage for the start of a whole new emotional cycle. We can feel a wave of fresh energy, for Aries is the initial sign of the Zodiac and represents the impetus needed to get things going. But chatty Mercury sesquisquares assertive Mars in scattered Gemini, so we may get into trouble by sharing our plans before we know if they're feasible. This can lead to verbal conflict unless we stay aware of our propensity of saying too much.

Aries Horoscope:
It may feel as if your life is renewing itself and you are quite eager to move ahead. Unfortunately, your enthusiasm may get you going but it won't be enough to ensure that you reach your destination. Add a healthy dose of determination, though, and you'll probably accomplish the goals you are setting. But don't just talk about it; put your plan into action. (

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