Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Remedy

I forgot how much I love, Jason Mraz...
how soothing his music is....
I stumbled onto my group playlist of Jason on my PSP on the train to my 3 interviews...

You truly CANNOT worry your life away...
My parents said some hurtful and disgusting things to me, and we're not going to talk about how I currently feel about my mother...
" all amounts to nothing in the end.." so why worry? I only have one life to live. Yes, being broke sucks. My parents and I having this Jay-Z vs. Nas beef, even worse. No car, totally annoying. Not being able to fix my new but currently fucked up weave, just plain pisses me off. I can't worry my life away though.

I feel good about the interviews, they seemed to be entertained by my quirkiness. The first two interviews will be doing background checks, so that I'm not leaping in the air confirming that I'm employed. The last spot does NOT do the check, but also is giving me $7,000 less than what I want to start at. Or more so, need to start at to afford LIRR fares and pay off my debts and start my LIFE.

We'll see what the outcome is though, I'm not worrying.

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